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This site is fully supported by Simon MacCorkindale/Susan George, however we can not and will not pass on any contact details or any messages.  Any requests will be deleted.

The pages contained within this site are for informational and entertainment purposes only. No personal profit is made through the production of this site. Any monies raised is used to cover site operating costs first, any remainder is donated to a charity of Simon’s choice (or our own choice if not provided.)

This website is not meant to, in any way, shape or form, infringe on the Copyrights set forth by any of the artists, photographers, journalists, publishing companies, production companies, producers, or anyone else connected to the production of any of the works connected to Simon MacCorkindale.

The use of any materials not of our own making on this site is purely to provide a textual and visual display of the work of Simon MacCorkindale. If there is any material found on the Simon MacCorkindale Fan Page that belongs to you, and for which you would like to receive a credit that is not noted, or for which you would prefer to have presented in an ‘extract’ or reduced format, or for which you would like to have removed in its entirety, please contact the webmaster. We will certainly abide by any such wishes.

Do not link directly to any images/videos on this site without prior permission – anyone found doing so will have the images removed and linking referrer blocked. If you want to use the images/videos host them yourself on Photobucket/YouTube etc and credit given to this site.  Except for the following: Music video’s/montage’s, edited clips and video messages are NOT TO BE UPLOADED to YouTube or similar sites! If you want to others to see them, link to the pages they are on.


We don’t mind any of the images, audio or videos being used for anything or being posted in very small amounts on other sites provided you reference this site and link back. There is enormous amount of time and effort put into this site so credit where credit’s due.

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