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The Lowdown On . . .

Simon MacCorkindale as Harry Harper in CasualtySimon MacCorkindale (Casualty, BBC1, 8.20pm)

Age: 53
Style: Dashing English gent
Significant others: Divorced Fiona Fullerton, his wife of five years, in 1981, and three years later married another actress, Susan George.
He says: ‘I’ve always felt my time as and actor and leading man is now’ – on his starring role in Casualty
Finest Hour: His performance in Death On The Nile in 1978 won him the Most Promising Actor award and made his famous.
Don’t Mention: Driving. He was banned for two years last month after a hit-and-run accident, and had to pay £5,000 damages.
Anything else? Simon’s first wedding was held in St Paul’s Cathedral, London – an honour granted to him because his father, an RAF officer, was awarded an OBE.

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