Death On The Nile – Press Pack – 1979

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Cast as a charming, impoverished young man who hits it rich with his marriage to an heiress, SIMON MACCORKINDALE makes his major film screen debut in “Death On The Nile.”

The 25-year-old actor has already established his reputation on British television with his performances in such productions as “I Claudius,” “The Life and Times of Shakespeare,” “Just William,” “Romeo and Juliet,” “Within These Walls” and Franco Zeffirelli’s internationally networked “Jesus of Nazareth.”

Simon began his acting career playing Shakespeare in “The Dark Lady of the Sonnets” for the Shaw Festival at Ayot St. Lawrence and went straight from there to the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry, for a season. Other recent theatre appearances include the Diana Rigg-Alec McCowan “Pygmalion” on London’s West End stage, and Terence Rattigan’s “French Without Tears” at Leatherhead.

He married actress Fiona Fullerton at St. Paul’s Catherdral in 1976; together they have formed their own company, Pendant, and presented their first production, “The Importance of Being Oscar” at the Cambridge Festival.

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