TV Guide – Australia – 8-14th August 1979

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Simon MacCorkindale as Joe Kapp in QuatermassSimon Didn’t Die on the Nile!

Riding high on the successes of Death on the Nile and Riddle of the Sand is handsome young British newcomer Simon MacCorkindale.

Shortly after wife Fiona Fullerton (above) welcomed him back to London after a jaunt to Mexico for the filming of Cabo Blanco, Simon was greeted with the news that Thames Television had chosen him for the leading role in the forthcoming TV series, Quatermass.

Simon MacCorkindale and Fiona FullertonA revival of one of Britain’s earliest top-rating shows, the new series has been updated, revamped and will call on Simon to take part in plenty of action and thrills, as evidenced in this scene (right) from an early episode.

And it isn’t only Simon who seems to have producers and agents knocking on the MacCorkindale door. Fiona has just completed a Hollywood film, In Search of Eden.

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