Simon Says – Issue 2 – Part 2 of 9

Awards – A Doll House

We all know Simon as a fine actor, however he is now beginning to make a name for himself as a producer/director.  His production, A DOLL HOUSE, presented last year at the Matrix Theater in Hollywood, received several awards from Drama-Logue magazine.

The Drama-Logue Critics Awards for Outstanding Achievement were:
Production Award – A DOLL HOUSE
Direction – Simon MacCorkindale
Performance – Ian Abercrombie
Nicholas Pryor
Linda Purl
Set Design – Russel Pyle
Costume Design – Gretchen Spieas

Simon was very pleased with these awards, in spite of the fact that he was unable to receive his in person because of a full schedule filming Jaws 3-D in Florida. He commented, “They were only little awards, but at the same time, it the awards are out there it’s nice to win them.


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