SMCFP On This Day: Manimal – Breath of the Dragon

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Series: Manimal
Episode: S1Ep8 – Breath of the Dragon
First Aired: 10 December 1983
Character: Jonathan ‘JC’ Chase

Description: While visiting a friend in Chinatown, Jonathan discovers that there’s a gang who are shaking down everyone. He discovers that his friend’s grandson has joined the gang. They learn that the man behind the gang calls himself the Dragon who’s emulating a man who years ago demanded that people give him half their earnings, and if not they will receive the mark of the Dragon which are left at their door and if they still refuse they will feel the breath of the Dragon which is fire, which has been happening a lot. Jonathan learns he also has a gambling casino which he goes to and meets the man. Jonathan then tries to help his friend’s grandson but gets beaten by the Dragon. Later he challenges the Dragon to a fight.


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