SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – The Trump Card

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep9 – The Trump Card
First Aired: 23 November 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Senator Silverlake is confronted by Chase with the evidence that he was bribed into faking the F.A.A. reports. After he admits the truth, Chase is cleared of being responsible for the crash. Lorraine isn’t happy after Lance reports that Richard is involved with the criminal underworld. Lorraine resists Lance’s advances when he makes a play for her. Gustav and Richard both try and get closer to Francesca so they can get their hands on her share of Falcon Crest. Angela is still able to out maneuver them and get Francesca to sell to her. Maggie learns that her birth father died during the second world war. Greg remains determined to pursue a relationship with Melissa after she tells him she can’t see him anymore.


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