SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Conundrum

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep14 – Conundrum
First Aired: 10 January 1986
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Lance is told by Angela to bribe the pickers not to work for Chase. Lance decides to take Father Christopher along so he can show him how devious Angela can be. Christopher later confronts Angela about what she has done. Chase is able to turn the tables on Angela after finding out what she is up to. After signing a prenuptial agreement, Richard and Terry become husband and wife. Apollonia leaves to go on her tour and Emma persuades Lance to go after her. Jordan’s mother discovers the reason her daughter hates her father. Peter’s daughter tries to get his briefcase out of Angela’s clutches. Robin disappears with the baby after Melissa and Cole give her the money.


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