SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – The Cataclysm

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep29 – The Cataclysm
First Aired: 22 May 1986
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Chase has a hemorrhage after being shot and requires immediate surgery. Eric and Melissa’s alliance is destroyed by Angela and Lance. Jordan is bailed out of jail by her mother and Greg and her alter ego is in complete control. Jordan gets the help she needs. Richard’s search for Cassandra reaches a climax when he finds her grave in England. He learns that she died while giving birth and Damon Rossini disappeared with the baby. Sabrina Cross shows up with his son, Michael back in San Francisco. A major earthquake hits the valley leaving the lives of many in danger.

This is the last appearance of Greg Reardon


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