SMCFP On This Day: Counterstrike – The Dilemma

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Series: Counterstrike
Episode: S1Ep22 – The Dilemma
First Aired: 2 February 1991
Character: Peter Sinclair

Description: When the team, along with a unit of the British Secret Service, discover an arms ring that sells warfare to the IRA, Colonel Nathan, the BSS leader, comes in conflict with Peter. Nathan warns Peter that in his organization these criminals have been prosecuted for some time and that he would not like to see if others interfere in his work. Then Peter gets doubts about the team and its own moral standards. He goes and tries to make Alexander decline the order. But Alexander has found out that one of the terrorists, Adrian Crisp, has links to the group which kidnapped his wife and refuses to withdraw. Peter, however, cannot agree on a compromise, and retires from that job. Alexander calls Nikki and Luke to go on with the plan, but Nikki quickly recognize that Peter is the reasonable head of the team. She tries to win him back, but initially without success.


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