SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Judgement Day

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep3 – Judgement Day
First Aired: 28 September 2002
Character: Harry Harper

Description: It’s the day of Lara’s trial, but she’s not feeling positive since Melanie Collier denied her husband raped her. Lara tries to convince the jury her act was self-defence. Lara is shocked, when they return their verdict. While Duffy is in court, her mother, Kate, is brought in after her condition worsens. Kate tells Charlie she wishes not to be resuscitated. Duffy is angered by Charlie’s attempts at sympathy and finds a shoulder to cry on in new security guard Ryan. Dillon and Harry clash with Charlie over how to treat two sisters, who are found to be drug mules.


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