SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Hitting Home: Part 1

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep23 – Hitting Home: Part 1
First Aired: 15 February 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Ryan is still AWOL with Duffy’s money, and this week Duffy puts her house up for sale in order to get the money back. Fin and Comfort are called to a suspected break-in and attack, and at the hospital Lara is treating her. Lara is concerned about her and offers her the chance to talk, she doesn’t take it up. Harry treats Anna’s mum, who wants to meet boyfriend Merlin. Tony asks Ben to move in with him. Comfort tries to talk to the attackee and tells her that she is always in the eyes of God. Colette meanwhile is doing a pregnancy test in the toilets, which comes out positive. It is Simon’s baby.


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