SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Truth or Dare

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S18Ep8 – Truth or Dare
First Aired: 25 October 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: When Keith arrives Claire doesn’t want to see him, but on being told her father has been rushed to another hospital, she reluctantly gives Keith a lift.  When a young guy, Andy, brings his best friend into the department after a reckless rooftop racing session, Nikki is flattered by his persistent advances. She is later surprised and hurt when she discovers Andy is in fact Jim’s son. He also admits to having a daughter. Angry that Jim would withhold such important information, Nikki breaks up with him.  While in Harry’s office, Tally accidentally discovers the drugs in his pocket but he interrupts her and uses the opportunity to divulge information regarding Simon’s past. She is furious when he suggests Simon is only with her to get back at him but, feeling insecure, she asks Simon about it. Simon confronts Harry and tells him to deal with it.


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