SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Black Dog Day

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S18Ep10 – Black Dog Day
First Aired: 8 November 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description:  Harry is late for work and, driving in a rush, fails to see a cyclist travelling at speed around the corner. The cyclist crashes straight into Harry’s rental car and rebounds off the bonnet. Simon adds to Harry’s grief when he arrives with the new Rapid Response Team.  Battle continues in resus as he passes veiled messages to Harry about weakness of character. Lara is nobody’s fool and, realising that something is going on, talks to Harry about his decision to switch her shift with Simon. She refers to the tense atmosphere and Harry falls apart, admitting everything and confessing he needs help. Broken and in tears, he accepts Lara’s support and advice.


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