SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – First Impressions

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S18Ep13 – First Impressions
First Aired: 29 November 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description:What starts out as an intimate 40th birthday meal for Jim turns into a surprise engagement party for Nikki. However, she is shocked when she arrives at the restaurant to be faced with his ex-wife, Elizabeth.  Harry takes Lara out to lunch to confess he is in love with her, but she turns him down, saying she cares about him only as a friend. Harry, however, seems to have trouble dealing with this.  Bex still has a tremendous thirst she cannot satisfy and she looks terrible. After one too many visits to the ladies’ she breaks down, feeling she can no longer keep it together. A concerned Tally asks Bex about it and says she cannot cope on her own with Bex constantly being away from reception. Later Tally asks Harry to take a look at her but it only makes matters worse and Bex storms off home.


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