SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Second Best

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S18Ep12 – Second Best
First Aired: 22 November 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: A pleasant surprise awaits Jim when Harry offers him the position of paediatric specialist. Jim, later, is in an ecstatic mood when he after a lot of searching finds Nikki, who finally accepts his proposal after a heart-to-heart with Josh.   Tally, however, is less fortunate in the love department. Though she has tirelessly tried to win Simon back, he cruelly announces that they are over. Tally storms out of the hospital and Harry follows. Harry says that Simon is so very wrong for her, but Tally says that she does not care and that she still wants him, however badly he has treated her.  Harry’s luck is not much better – Lara admits his flirtatious behaviour has made her feel uncomfortable and is not interested in anything more than friendship. Harry agrees that he does not want their friendship to be ruined, but he looks quite disappointed.


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