SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Christmas Spirit

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S18Ep14 – Christmas Spirit
First Aired: 6 December 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Bex arrives late, looking pale and lank. Tally tries to have a word with her, telling Bex that she has been late every day and looks horrible, so obviously something is wrong with her. Bex, however, does not want to talk about it and when Luke overhears the conversation she shouts at both of them before storming off.  Andy comes to the hospital to ask Jim for some money. At the same time he gets a chance to apologise to Nikki for his earlier behaviour but then makes a play for her. The attraction appears to be mutual and they kiss until she pulls away, thinking he is trying to prove a point and ruin things.


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