SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – I Love You, I Hate You

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S18Ep31 – I Love You, I Hate You
First Aired: 10 April 2004
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Luke and Josh find themselves being held at gunpoint by a man who demands drugs from the ambulance. There was a struggle in the back of the ambulance and a gunshot was fired. It turned out that the gun had gone off and the man, Greg dies leaving Luke feeling guilty when he finds out he has a family. Roxy continues to spend all her time at the hospital with William. Tally hides important information about a patient from Lara putting the patient’s life at risk. When Lara questions Tally, Tally says Lara deserved it for stealing Simon away from her. Later on Simon tells Lara he loves her.


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