SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – A Father’s Love

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S19Ep42 – A Father’s Love
First Aired: 9 July 2005
Character: Harry Harper

Description: When Pete turned up at the hospital and attacked Bex, Luke punched him. Ellen returns and she’s in Will’s arms. Later on, when Pete returned, he cornered Bex in the stairway and threatened to rape her again. Bex pushed him away and he fell down the stairs. Luke and Charlie saw Pete fall. While Luke comforts Bex, Charlie reveals that Pete is dead.

Quotes: May contain spoilers

  • No, I’m the straight guy
  • Excuse me?  I’m in charge here! (to a policeman)
  • There was a moment when I . . . It was pretty touch and go
  • I’ve treated friends and colleges before but I have never felt so terrified as I did last night
  • Yeah, I bet you do. But without any witness’ he might just get away with it. Terrible I know, guilty going away unpunished, it’s a wonder how that thing can happen. (To Pete)


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