SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Poisoned Love

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S20Ep19 – Poisoned Love
First Aired: 7 January 2006
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Jas tells Guppy that he doesn’t have to help him die but says he could leave a syringe lying around. Meanwhile, Harry tries to cool his relationship with Ellen

Quotes: May contain spoilers

  • Of course I know Nathan.  What do you expect me to do?  Tell patients to stop shedding so much of it at the scenes of accidents? (Re: The EDs blood expenditure)
  • Nathan, I’m gonna be ordering 6 units for this gentleman who’s suffering a severe hematemesis.  I take it that will be alright?
  • Getting warmer (Re: Harry and Ellen’s cooling off period)


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