SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Family Matters

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S20Ep29 – Family Matters
First Aired: 18 March 2006
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Ellen gets a shock when she goes for her first scan and there is more bad news to come. Elsewhere, Sam looks after a young boy with learning difficulties while Tess worries that Sam is not coping in his role as Health Care Assistant. Meanwhile, Selena is getting tired with Nathan after he begins following her. He makes the excuse that he is conducting a research for the committee board, however, Harry tells a suspicious Selena that there’s no such research going on. Also, a charity worker gets stuck in mud and is sinking. Nina uses her army training skills to rescue her. Following this, Nina asks Josh if she can train to be a paramedic and he accepts, on the condition that he trains her himself


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