SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – What You See Is What You Get

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S21Ep7 – What You See Is What You Get
First Aired: 28 October 2006
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Two men from the Health Authority are visiting the hospital today and Nathan is feeling the pressure. It is a chaotic day and the team is keen to impress. Maggie walks in on Selena and Nathan kissing. Selena tries to explain but Maggie is angry and thinks that Nathan is favouring Selena because of their relationship. The atmosphere between the pair is tense and when they treat a patient together it doesn’t help the situation. Meanwhile, Comfort gets dressed up for her date with Sean, but doesn’t realise that he is taking her on a picnic. Things get off to an awkward start but the pair soon share a passionate kiss.


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