SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – All Through the Night

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S21Ep11 – All Through the Night
First Aired: 25 November 2006
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Ellen has a brainwave to draw the public’s attention to the closure of Holby ED, as the hospital drama continues. She ropes in Kelsey and Alice and they all jump into the City’s water fountain in white t-shirts, causing a media frenzy. They are interviewed by a local reporter. However, the stunt results in an unexpected consequence for Ellen… Meanwhile, Harry decides to express an interest in the position at St James. With the Trust insisting that if he accepts the job he mustn’t resist the closure of Holby ED, he has to decide where his loyalties lie. Elsewhere, Josh is hard on himself when he makes a mistake with a patient


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