Mirror – 09 November 2009

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CASUALTY star Simon MacCorkindale has revealed he has terminal lung cancer.

The actor, 57, kept his plight secret for three years because he didn’t want people to feel sorry for him.

But the man who played handsome consultant Harry Harper in the hit BBC1 series admitted yesterday: “It came as a complete bombshell.”

Brave Simon, married to actress Susan George, was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2006 after complaining of stomach cramps. The couple were reassured he would make a swift recovery after emergency surgery.

But a year later they were told the cancer had spread to his lungs. Doctors have given him five years. Simon, married for 25 years, said at his stud farm on Exmoor: “I thought I had beaten it and it was all done and dusted.”

He added: “But I don’t want people to think that I’m pale, losing my hair, losing weight and on the way out. I’m not – I’m as active as I’ve ever been.”

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