Posts Tagged ‘Brad Collins’

SMCFP On This Day: Dark Realm – Blackout, Part 2

2001 - dark-14

Series: Dark Realm
Episode: S1Ep13 – Blackout, Part 2
First Aired: 15 December 2001
Character: Brad Collins

Description: Brad’s returning memories land him in jail for murder, but he soon comes to believe that no person involved in the case is really who they appear to be.

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SMCFP On This Day: Dark Realm – Blackout, Part 1

2001 - dark-02

Series: Dark Realm
Episode: S1Ep12 – Blackout, Part 1
First Aired: 8 December 2001
Character: Brad Collins

Description: An amnesiac man takes his new bride to his childhood home, only for a chance encounter to bring his life crashing down around him.

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