Posts Tagged ‘Manions of America’

SMCFP On This Day: Manions of America – Reunion


Series: Manions of America
Episode: Part III – Reunion
First Aired: 2 October 1981
Character: David Clement

Description: Epic miniseries about a proud Irish farmer who migrates to America, tired of English repression and the Great Famine. He works hard and even meets the Englishwoman he once loved. The couple reunites. Then the American Civil War breaks out.

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SMCFP On This Day: Manions of America – Exile


Series: Manions of America
Episode: Part II – Exile
First Aired: 1 October 1981
Character: David Clement

Description: Epic miniseries about a proud Irish farmer who migrates to America, tired of English repression and the Great Famine. He works hard and even meets the Englishwoman he once loved. The couple reunites. Then the American Civil War breaks out.

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SMCFP On This Day: Manions of America – Rebellion


Series: Manions of America
Episode: Part I – Rebellion
First Aired: 30 September 1981
Character: David Clement

Description: Epic miniseries about a proud Irish farmer who migrates to America, tired of English repression and the Great Famine. He works hard and even meets the Englishwoman he once loved. The couple reunites. Then the American Civil War breaks out.

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