Posts Tagged ‘Fabrice De Viega’

SMCFP On This Day: Relic Hunter – So Shall It Be


Series: Relic Hunter
Episode: S3Ep22 – So Shall It Be
First Aired: 20 May 2002
Character: Fabrice De Viega

Description: When Sidney and Nigel are about to enter the site of a Bristol lecture, a surprisingly young author on the Celts approaches them to follow up immediately on a tip about a map to the “astronomicons”, the lost keys to the druid cult in Stonehenge, hidden since the Romans conquered Britain. They soon learn it is an occasion to steal the map from the Gurul Nataz, it comes with an armed bomb and the youngster is no author but Andreas, the honest son of Sid’s arch-enemy Fabrice De Viega – who survived, as they suspected. Junior assures them he hates his dad even more, being dumped in a boarding school since his mother’s death, but it turns out Fabrice risks everything to help them in order to save Andreas’ life – but can even this bizarre alliance brave the ruthless crime syndicate?

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SMCFP On This Day: Relic Hunter – Hunting with the Enemy


Series: Relic Hunter
Episode: S3Ep14 – Hunting with the Enemy
First Aired: 4 February 2002
Character: Fabrice De Viega

Description: An urn commissioned in a Cambodian monastery by the Chinese emperor for the remains of Confucius is about to be destroyed by systematic bombing of a whole province – so DeViega, tricks and kidnaps Syndey and Nigel (and their secretary on the home front, as additional blackmail leverage) to get to it through a heavily land mined area and decipher the I-ching on the way in before bombs hit it.

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SMCFP On This Day: Relic Hunter – Sydney at Ten

RH03x03-014Series: Relic Hunter
Episode: S3Ep3 – Sydney at Ten
First Aired: 1 October 2001
Character: Fabrice De Viega

Description: St. Beatrice’s School for Girls, 1981: Sydney sees his teacher shot by a scar-faced man over an Egyptian pendant. 2001: Sydney’s roommate from school is on track of the pendant and enlists Sydney to help find it and catch the killer.

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