SMCFP On This Day: Sleuth (UK Tour)

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Production: Sleuth (UK Tour)
First Performance: 22 January 2008
Character: Andrew Wyke

Description: This was Simon’s first performance as Andrew Wyke in Sleuth at the Theatre Royal in Windsor.

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Sleuth Programme – Jan-July 2008

Filed under: Theatre Programme — Tags: , , , @

Simon MacCorkindaleSIMON MacCORKINDALE

Andrew Wyke

Simon MacCorkindale is perhaps best recognized over the last few years as Harry Harper, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, in the BBC’s most popular and enduring drama series Casualty. Following his starring role in the successful 2007 tour of Agatha Christie’s Unexpected Guest, he now returns to the stage in Sleuth.

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Simon News – Sleuth 2008 Tour

Filed under: Simon News — Tags: , , , @

Simon will be appearing in a touring production of Sleuth, starting on 22nd January 2008 in Windsor for two weeks, then to various locations around the UK on a 16 week tour (starting 4th February and ending 25th May? – if my maths is right – so any dates after this will be without Simon, if the play continues) (Edit – see dates below)

At present the only other location I can confirm is The Grand in Wolverhampton in April. More details as soon as I’m aware of them but it’s still a long time away for details to come too quickly.

This probably means he will be leaving Casualty at the end of the year as most of us suspected, but no confirmation of that yet. (Edit – has now been confirmed)

Still no new locations confirmed, yet. But tickets are already on sale for both Wolves and Windsor.

All details are subject to change so please confirm with the theatre when booking

Simon has confirmed that he’ll start rehearsals for Sleuth on January 14th (this might be earlier now too)

Simon’s co star will be Micheal Praed and we will be sharing details with his official site so we can keep as up to date as possible. (Micheal will be playing Milo, so Simon will be playing Andrew(?)) Micheal Praed Official Site (added 01/11/07)

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Simon MacCorkindale at 21

Here is the list of many of the resources used to build the Simon MacCorkindale Fan Page.  Everything listed here I have a physical copy of in full or part.

Last updated 23/04/2013

Headline or DescriptionAbout or LinkSource TypeDate: DayDate: MonthDate: YearPage: FromPage: ToPicture/Text or Both
Yvonne Arnard TheatreThe Potsdam QuartetProgramme02101973--Both
SpotlightSimon - GeneralBook Clipping--19741662-Photo
ProgrammeFrench Without TearsProgramme25031975--Text
ProgrammeFrench Without TearsProgramme14041975--Text
My WeeklySimon and FionaMagazine2201197789Photo
OKSimon and FionaMagazine300419772123Both
Sunday Times MagazineDeath On The NileMagazine150119784649Photo
Film ReviewDeath On The NileMagazine-0319782224Photo
Screen InternationalRiddle Of the SandMagazine150419786263Photo
PhotoplayDeath On The NileMagazine-05197829-Both
Films IllustratedRiddle Of the SandMagazine-0919783435Both
Film ReviewRiddle Of the SandMagazine-0919783435Both
TitbitsDeath On The NileMagazine1910197824-Both
TV TimesDeath On The NileMagazine211019781819Both
Films and FilmingDeath On The NileMagazine-1019783739Photo
Death on the NileDeath On The NileBook-101978--Photo
Film ReviewDeath On The NileMagazine-1119784042Photo
PhotoplayDeath On The NileMagazine-1119783237Photo
Screen InternationalSimon and FionaMagazine0212197822-Photo
PeopleDeath On The NileMagazine0712197833-Photo
Press BookDeath On The NilePress Book--1978--Both
ProgrammeDeath On The NileMagazine--1978--Photo
Riddle of the SandsRiddle Of the SandBook--1978--Photo
Screen InternationalDeath On The NileMagazine2811197818-Photo
Within These WallsLinkMagazine Clipping-02197833-Photo
PhotoplaySimon - GeneralMagazine-0119793637Both
Film ReviewDeath On The NileMagazine-0219794445Both
After DarkSimon - GeneralMagazine-03197958-Both
Film ReviewRiddle Of the SandMagazine-0519796-Photo
Screen InternationalSimon and FionaMagazine2107197913-Photo
My GuySimon - GeneralMagazine01091979911Both
JackieSimon - GeneralMagazine290919791819Photo
My GuySimon and FionaMagazine2909197926-Both
TV TimesQuatermassMagazine2710197961-Photo
TV Guide - AusSimon and FionaMagazine081219795-Both
Press BookDeath On The NilePress Book--1979--Both
SpotlightSimon - GeneralBook Clipping--19791417-Photo
Simon MacCorkindale by John KercherLinkMagazine Clipping--1979-1980 Est2730Both
GossipSimon GeneralMagazine Clipping--1979-1982 Est--Photo
Screen InternationalSimon and FionaMagazine2601198020-Photo
JackieSimon - GeneralMagazine0202198030-Both
Oh BoySimon - GeneralMagazine1602198032-Photo
PhotoplaySimon - GeneralMagazine-03198027-Both
Radio TimesSimon - GeneralMagazine2106198022-Photo
SlimmingSimon - GeneralMagazine-11198026-Photo
Sunday PeopleSimon - GeneralNewspaper1412198019-Both
Look Now - AusRiddle Of the SandMagazine-071980 Est14-Both
Photoplay or Film ReviewLinkMagazine Clipping--1980's Est--Photo
Photoplay or Film ReviewLinkMagazine Clipping--1980's Est--Both
Simon - Rugger/James BondLinkMagazine Clipping--1980's Est--Photo
Secret Mission AccomplishedLinkMagazine Clipping--1980's Est--Both
Simon and SusanLinkMagazine Clipping--1980's Est--Photo
By Henry FenwickLinkNewspaper Clipping--1980's Est--Photo
Always on SundaeLinkMagazine Clipping--1980's Est--Photo
PhotoplayManions of AmericaMagazine-03198162-Both
Women's WorldSimon - GeneralMagazine-0519818385Both
ProgrammeImportance of Being OscarProgramme26071981--Both
Screen InternationalSword and The SorcererMagazine0808198121-Both
TitbitsSimon and FionaMagazine3110198124-Text
Film ReviewSimon - GeneralMagazine-1219812627Both
International Film and TV Year BookSimon - GeneralBook Clipping--1981505-Photo
SpotlightSimon - GeneralBook Clipping--1981--Photo
Fiona faces a bitter-sweet get-togetherLinkNewspaper Clipping24071981--Both
Film on Screen and VideoSword and The SorcererMagazine-1019823031Photo
Press BookSword and The SorcererPress Book--1982--Photo
Press BookManimalPress Book--1982--Both
Press BookRiddle of The SandsPress Book--1982--Photo
TV Guide - USManimal Advert - MultipleMagazine Clipping--1982 Est--Photo
Manimal AdvertLinkMagazine Clipping--1982 Est--Photo
American FilmJaws 3Magazine-04198351-Photo
TitbitsSimon and SusanMagazine07051983--Both
TV Guide - USManimalMagazine1009198374-Both
TV Guide - USManimalMagazine2409198327-Photo
UsSimon and SusanMagazine1010198360-Photo
VanidadesSimon and SusanMagazine0612198316-Photo
TV GuideManimalMagazine3112198340-Text
Trading CardJaws 3Trading Card--1983--Photo
Movie ProgrammeJaws 3Programme--1983--Both
Movie Programme - JapanJaws 3Programme1983--Photo
TV Guide - USManimal AdvertMagazine Clipping30091983182183Photo
TV Guide - USObsessive Love AdvertMagazine Clipping0704198395-Photo
Film ReviewJaws 3Magazine-0119842627Both
Woman's OwnSimon and SusanMagazine1703198489Both
Soap Opera DigestObsessive LoveMagazine1707198416-Photo
What's On - Boston HeraldObsessive LoveMagazine3009198431-Photo
Daily MirrorSimon and SusanNewspaper1110198411-Both
Press BookObsessive LovePress Book--1984--Both
UsFalcon CrestMagazine240919846164Photo
USFalcon CrestMagazine Clipping240919846164Photo
Movie MirrorSimon and SusanNewspaper Clipping-031984--Photo
National EnquirerFalcon CrestNewspaper Clipping251219845253Photo
TV Guide - USObsessive Love AdvertMagazine Clipping2104198418-Photo
TV Guide - USManimalMagazine Clipping0408198419-Both
Soap Opera DigestFalcon CrestMagazine Clipping--1984 Est113-Photo
Soap Opera DigestFalcon CrestMagazine Clipping--1984 Est133-Photo
Soap Opera DigestFalcon CrestMagazine Clipping--1984 Est101-Photo
Le RevistaNon EnglishMagazine070119854245Both
National EnquirerSimon and SusanNewspaper1902198516-Both
Soap Opera DigestFalcon CrestMagazine26021985136139Both
Tele SetteManimalMagazine130419852426Photo
Tele 7 Jours - FrManimalMagazine2206198590-Photo
Tele 7 Jours - FrManimalMagazine2906198598-Photo
Tele 7 Jours - FrManimalMagazine2707198588-Photo
Soap Opera DigestFalcon CrestMagazine30071985108-Photo
Daily TVFalcon CrestMagazine-0819854244Both
GlobeSimon and SusanNewspaper0309198513-Photo
Soap Opera DigestSimon and SusanMagazine2210198540-Photo
National EnquirerFalcon CrestNewspaper1012198528-Photo
Sun - USSimon and SusanNewspaper1712198510-Photo
GQSimon - GeneralMagazine--1985149153Both
UsSimon and SusanMagazine2801198547-Photo
StarSimon and SusanNewspaper1009198512-Photo
PeopleCharityNewspaper Clipping230919852833Photo
HolaSimon and SusanMagazine Clipping12011985-1Photo
HolaSimon and SusanMagazine Clipping12011985--Both
PeopleSimon - GeneralMagazine Clipping230919852829Photo
SpotlightSimon - GeneralBook Clipping--1985--Photo
Movie MirrorSimon and SusanNewspaper Clipping-061985--Photo
ExaminerSimon and SusanNewspaper Clipping1501198542-Both
Westwood PlayhouseImportance of Being OscarProgramme--1985 Est--Both
TV Guide - USObsessive Love AdvertMagazine Clipping--1985 Est--Photo
Soap Opera DigestFalcon CrestMagazine Clipping--1985 Est59-Photo
Super StarsFalcon CrestSticker--1985 Est--Photo
Super PopSimon - GeneralCard--1985 Est--Photo
Soap Opera DigestFalcon CrestMagazine1103198697-Photo
Soap Opera DigestSimon and SusanMagazine0605198686-Photo
HolaNon EnglishMagazine050619864648Both
SemanaNon EnglishMagazine180619865963Both
Soap Opera DigestFalcon CrestMagazine0107198663-Photo
Soap Opera DigestSimon and SusanMagazine29071986138-Photo
PhotoplaySimon and SusanMagazine-071986--Photo
Soap Opera DigestFalcon CrestMagazine0909198686-Photo
GarboSimon and SusanMagazine041019868-Both
HolaNon EnglishMagazine071019863233Both
ProntoSimon and SusanMagazine111019868183Both
Soap Opera DigestSimon and SusanMagazine2110198632-Photo
Hollywood Then and NowSimon - GeneralMagazine-11198612-Photo
Weekend MagazineSimon and SusanMagazine1612198633-Photo
Good Housekeeping MagazineSimon and SusanMagazine Clipping-021986-6Photo
StarFalcon CrestNewspaper Clipping2801198633-Photo
StarFalcon CrestNewspaper Clipping131119862425Photo
StarFalcon CrestNewspaper Clipping030619862021Photo
StarSimon and SusanNewspaper Clipping0701198639-Both
TV Guide - USFalcon CrestMagazine Clipping22051986133-Photo
SpotlightSimon - GeneralBook Clipping--1986--Photo
StarSimon and SusanNewspaper Clipping1019863637Both
Woman's Day - AusSimon and SusanMagazine0203198713-Photo
EkranNon EnglishMagazine16051987--Photo
TitbitsSimon and SusanMagazine-08198713-Photo
CelebritySimon and SusanMagazine1911198717-Photo
TV Guide - USRobbers of the Sacred Mountain AdvertMagazine Clipping--1988 Est127-Photo
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine1803198955-Photo
Sunday Mirror MagazineSimon and SusanMagazine090419892023Both
Soap Opera DigestSimon - GeneralMagazine270619898081Both
Women's Realm - AusSimon and SusanMagazine2706198958-Both
Film MonthlySimon and SusanMagazine-07198912-Both
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine0508198912-Photo
SpotlightSimon - GeneralBook Clipping--19891579-Photo
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine Clipping130519895456Both
Soap Opera DigestFalcon CrestMagazine Clipping--1989 Est4-Photo
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine21071990211Both
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine2209199068-Photo
Entertainment WeeklyCounterstrikeMagazine Clipping29061990Ukn-Photo
Counterstike - S1 TeamLinkMagazine Clipping--199085-Photo
TV Guide - USCounterstrikeMagazine Clipping-06 Est1990 EstUkn-Photo
Tele Revue (French)Simon - GeneralMagazine Clipping--1990's Est46-Photo
Soap Opera WeeklyManimalMagazine Clipping--1990's Est--Photo
Falcon Crest - Greg and Angela. FC retroLinkMagazine Clipping--1990's Est128-Photo
Special Tele - FrSimon and SusanMagazine-12199122-Both
TV Times - Vancouver SunCounterstrikeMagazine01111991--Both
TV Guide - USSimon - GeneralMagazine0703199218-Both
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine0205199272-Photo
Woman's RealmSimon and SusanMagazine020619922829Both
TV Book - DetroitCounterstrikeMagazine1309199279-Photo
Newfoundland HeraldCounterstrikeMagazine1212199210-Both
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine301019939699Both
TV Guide - USCounterstrikeMagazine1112199310-Both
TV Guide - USCounterstrike - MultipleMagazine Clipping--1993--Photo
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine260219942021Photo
Newfoundland HeraldCounterstrikeMagazine1203199489Both
Tele 7 Jours - FrCounterstrikeMagazine03091994101-Photo
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine130519955060Both
The Famous Rainbow Recipe BookSimon and SusanBook--1995116-Photo
TV GuideAt the Midnight HourMagazine300919952530Both
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine130419961012Both
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine290619963031Both
Tele K 7 - FrManimalMagazine1307199667-Both
OKSimon and SusanMagazine180819962429Both
SpotlightSimon - GeneralBook Clipping--19962439-Photo
TV Guide - USNo Greater LoveMagazine Clipping01011996120-Photo
Tele K 7 - FrManimalMagazine1711199773-Both
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine0703199816-Photo
OKSimon and SusanMagazine200319982-Photo
SpotlightSimon - GeneralBook Clipping--19982570-Photo
TV ZoneManimalMagazine-0819994246Both
OKSimon and SusanMagazine291219996364Photo
SpotlightSimon - GeneralBook Clipping--19992665-Photo
HelloSusan GeorgeMagazine Clipping19122000-8Photo
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine Clipping1912200049Both
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine1610200135-Photo
Radio TimesSusan - GeneralMagazine071320012628Photo
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine190320022225Both
Inside SoapCasualtyMagazine290320027-Both
Inside SoapCasualtyMagazine2405200252-Both
Radio TimesSimon - GeneralMagazine08062002138-Both
TV TimesCasualtyMagazine0806200217-Both
Inside SoapCasualtyMagazine210620024849Both
TV Guide - USManimalMagazine2007200218-Text
Press BookCasualtyPress Book-07200245Both
Radio TimesSimon - GeneralMagazine02112002146-Both
WeekendSimon - GeneralMagazine Clipping1105200268Both
Generation Series - FrManimalMagazine-0120035456Both
Cult TimesManimalMagazine200320036063Both
Press BookCasualtyPress Book-0820031819Both
CIN CalendarCasualtyCalendar--200420-Photo
Bristol Old VicThe School for ScandalProgramme--2004--Photo
SpotlightSimon - GeneralBook Clipping--20043413-Photo
Simon and Susan (Hello or OK?)LinkMagazine Clipping--2004 Est30-Photo
Simon and Susan (Hello or OK?)LinkMagazine Clipping--2004 Est--Photo
Woman's WeeklySimon - GeneralMagazine2903200589Both
Radio TimesCasualtyMagazine27082005138-Both
Inside SoapSimon - GeneralMagazine170920054849Both
Sun TV MagCasualtyMagazine051120051415Both
Sun TV GuideCasualtyMagazine Clipping--2005 Est--Photo
HelloSimon - GeneralMagazine Clipping--2005 Est--Both
Switch OnLinkMagazine Clipping--2005 Est--Photo
The Lowdown OnLinkMagazine Clipping--2005 Est--Both
Driving ban for actor after hit-and-run - HelloLinkMagazine Clipping--2005 Est--Photo
TV TimesCasualtyMagazine0402200618-Both
Inside SoapCasualtyMagazine06052006-Photo
TV TimesCasualtyMagazine2309200689Photo
Inside SoapCasualtyMagazine0212200651-Photo
Star of the dayLinkMagazine Clipping--2006--Photo
The PeopleSimon - GeneralNewspaper070120073233Both
Inside SoapCasualtyMagazine2601200747-Both
Inside SoapCasualtyMagazine1002200721-Both
What's on TVCasualtyMagazine0408200713-Photo
TV TimesSimon - GeneralMagazine0610200798-Both
Brochure - WindsorSleuthBrochure-102007--Photo
Theatre Royal WindsorThe Unexpected GuestProgramme--2007--Both
what's on TVCasualtyMagazine170220074-Photo
YoursCasualtyMagazine Clipping--200717-Both
What's On Theatre Guide - MidlandsThe Unexpected GuestMagazine Clipping-01200721-Both
YoursSimon - GeneralMagazine Clipping-07 Est200717-Both
Mail On SundaySimon - GeneralNewspaper Clipping1802200757-Both
Theatre Royal WindsorThe Unexpected GuestFlyer09012007--Photo
Sun TV GuideCasualtyMagazine Clipping29092007--Both
Sun TV GuideCasualtyMagazine Clipping06102007--Both
Guppy pleads with Harty to help JasLinkMagazine Clipping--2007 Est--Photo
Harry has a question for EllenLinkMagazine Clipping--2007 Est--Photo
7 DaysSleuthMagazine310120083-Both
Total TV GuideCasualtyMagazine0803200812-Both
Inside SoapCasualtyMagazine0803200827-Both
What's On TVCasualtyMagazine0803200817-Both
TV ChoiceCasualtyMagazine080320089-Both
What's On Live - MidlandsSleuthMagazine-03200815-Both
Brochure - WindsorSleuthBrochure-032008--Photo
Brochure - WindsorSleuthBrochure-032008--Photo
Brochure - WolvesSleuthBrochure-032008--Photo
The Weekly NewsSleuthNewspaper0305200829-Both
Seven DaysSimon - GeneralMagazine2505200845Both
Daily MailSound of MusicNewspaper220820086061Both
YoursSimon - GeneralMagazine16122008115-Both
Theatre Royal WindsorSleuthProgramme--2008--Both
Times OutSleuthMagazine Clipping220520087-Both
MetroSound Of MusicNewspaper Clipping2212200821-Photo
Culture - Sunday TimesThe Unexpected GuestMagazine Clipping--200835-Photo
London PalladiumSound Of MusicFlyer--2008--Photo
Cambridge Arts TheatreSleuthFlyer--2008--Photo
Theatre Royal BathSleuthFlyer--2008--Photo
Sun TV GuideCasualtyMagazine Clipping08032008--Both
Sun TV GuideCasualtyMagazine Clipping--2008--Photo
You're sackedLinkMagazine Clipping08032008--Photo
Bye, Bye, HarryLinkMagazine Clipping08032008--Photo
OKSimon and SusanMagazine24112009155156Photo
Mail on SundaySimon - GeneralNewspaper0612200930-Both
HelloSimon and SusanMagazine07122009816Both
London PalladiumSound of MusicProgramme--2009--Both
London PalladiumSound of MusicProgramme--2009--Photo
Culture - Sunday TimesSound Of MusicMagazine Clipping--200913-Photo
News of The WorldSimon - GeneralNewspaper Clipping081120092021Both
Mail On SundaySimon - GeneralNewspaper Clipping081120091214Both
Daily MailSimon - GeneralNewspaper Clipping911200919-Both
Daily ExpressSimon - GeneralNewspaper Clipping911200925-Both
Daily MirrorSimon - GeneralNewspaper Clipping091120098-Both
TV MaxSimon - GeneralMagazine3004201010-Both
Daily MirrorSimon - GeneralNewspaper1610201014-Both
Daily ExpressSimon - GeneralNewspaper1610201016-Both
Daily MailSimon - GeneralNewspaper1610201047-Both
Daily TelegraphSimon - GeneralNewspaper161020105-Both
The SunSimon - GeneralNewspaper161020109-Both
Sunday TelegraphSimon - GeneralNewspaper1710201011-Text
Sunday ExpressSimon - GeneralNewspaper1710201038-Both
HelloSimon - GeneralMagazine2510201090-Both
RevealSimon - GeneralMagazine3010201041-Both
Tele StarSimon - GeneralMagazine3010201012-Both
BestSimon - GeneralMagazine0211201055-Both
What's On TVSimon - GeneralMagazine0611201015-Both
The TimesSimon - GeneralNewspaper Clipping16102010107-Both
The TimesSimon - GeneralNewspaper Clipping1610201019-Both
What's on TVNew TricksMagazine Clipping-1020103-Photo
Daily RecordSimon - GeneralNewspaper Clipping-102010--Photo
HelloSimon - GeneralMagazine Clipping-12201064-Both
HelloSusan about SimonMagazine110420115660Both
SagaSusan about SimonMagazine-0820113438Both

Best – 2nd November 2010

Filed under: Best — Tags: , , @


Television fans around the country were saddened by the news that Casualty star Simon MacCorkindale passed away in the arms of his beloved wife actress Susan George. He was just 58.

Brave Simon, who played Dr Harry Harper, had chosen to keep the severity of his illness a secret and tried to carry on with his life and work, as normally as possible.

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Guardian – 16th October 2010

Filed under: Guardian — Tags: , , @

Simon MacCorkindale

Suave actor known for his roles in Falcon Crest and Casualty

In common with his contemporaries Jeremy Irons, Michael York and Hugh Grant, the actor Simon MacCorkindale, who has died of cancer aged 58, on screen projected the very English persona of an ex-public schoolboy. But unlike them, MacCorkindale never made it big in films. Nevertheless, his “posh” accent, his suave demeanour and patrician good looks made him a natural for roles in television soap operas, from the opulent mansions of Falcon Crest (1984-1986), to the hospital corridors of Casualty (2002-2008). In the latter, he played the autocratic clinical consultant Harry Harper, who ran Holby City hospital’s emergency department. A doctor of the old school, he sweeps through the wards, advising, cajoling, admonishing and seducing colleagues and patients alike.

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Mail on Sunday – 08 November 2009

Simon MacCorkindale and Susan GeorgeCasualty’s Simon: I’ve got incurable cancer

When Simon MacCorkindale suddenly left TV’s Casualty no one suspected that he was keeping a tragic secret: he had cancer and had been given just five years to live. Now, in this raw and inspiring interview, he and his wife Susan George reveal their daily battle to be strong – and prove doctors wrong

FOR more than three years, he kept it a secret even from his closest friends. Former Casualty star Simon MacCorkindale, who played handsome consultant Harry Harper in the popular BBC series, told very few he was battling cancer.  Even after the disease had spread to his lungs and doctors gave him just five years to live, he and his wife, the iconic Seventies actress Susan George, decided they did not want everyone to know.

‘I didn’t want to make a fuss,’ says Simon. ‘We are very private people and wanted to deal with it on our own.’

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Shop – Where to Buy

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This page contains:
– Films or series staring or produced/directed by Simon
– Tapes/CDs or DVD’s when Simon has done audio books or voice overs
– Photos and posters
– Films or series which Simon has been in part of not all (i.e. Casualty)
– Films or series that have a Simon connection (i.e. the original Sleuth or Sound of Music Film, also a few Susan George DVD’s)
– Some films, books and songs Simon has said he likes

  • If you’re looking for a specific item that is not listed send us a message via the ‘Contact Us‘ link below and we’ll try and see if it’s available anywhere.
  • If you go to buy an item and you’re not sure it’s the correct version, drop us an email via the ‘Contact Us‘ link and we’ll check it for you
  • Remember when buying DVD’s and video’s that the format/region is correct as American DVD’s will not play on most British DVD players and vice versa
  • We will only list officially released DVD’s, video’s, book’s etc
  • Some items are not available at all on DVD so where this happens we will only list the VHS, these are generally second hand items and quality varies
Date/OtherFormatProductionWhere to Buy
1974DVDTerror on the BritannicSimon is only in 1 minute of this film - blink and you will miss him
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1976DVDWithin These Walls - Series 5Simon is in 1 or 2 episodes of this series
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1976DVDJust William - Series 1Simon appears in one episode of this series: William and the Sleeping Major
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1976DVDBeastsSimon is in one episode of this series: Baby.
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1976DVDI, ClaudiusSimon has a minor role in one episode of this series: Waiting in the Wings.
Buy at - Version 1 | Buy at 2 | Search for at eBay
1976DVDWithin These Walls - Series 4Simon is in 1 or 2 episodes of this series
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1976DVDRomeo and JulietSimon plays Paris who has a reasonable role in this. There are several versions of this with different actors - make sure your buying the right one.
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1977DVDJesus of NazarethSimon has a small role in this.
Standard Edition
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Special Edition
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1978DVDThe Doombolt ChaseSimon is in the first episode of this series
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1978DVDWill ShakespeareSimon is in one episode of this series: Dead Shepherd
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1978DVDThe Riddle Of The SandsSimon has a main role in this film.
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1979DVDDeath on the NileSimon has a main role in this film. There are several versions of this with different actor - make sure your buying the right one. If you need help drop us a message with the link you're looking at for us to check
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1979DVDDukes Of HazzardSimon is in one episode of this series: Duke of Duke.
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1979DVDQuatermass: The ConclusionSimon has a main role in this series. This is available at Amazon but only from their 'sellers' - similar to eBay but at a fixed price
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1980DVDCabo BlancoSimon has a main role in this. There is a version of this DVD with U.S Marshall on it as well - this version is not very good quality so it's not recommended.
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1980DVDHammer House of HorrorSimon is in one episode of this series: Visitor from the Grave
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1981DVDManions Of AmericaSimon has a main role in this. A French DVD of this can sometimes be found on eBay, as well as old VHS versions. The French version doesn't have an English soundtrack, French only. Amazon sell a US region one version
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1981DVDMacbethSimon plays MacDuff who has a main role in this
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1982VHSRobbers of The Sacred MountainSimon has a main role in this. This is only available as VHS, if you find a DVD chances is it's not an original so the quality could vary.
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1982DVDThe Sword and The SorcererSimon has a main role in this film.
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1982VHSAn Outpost Of ProgressSimon has a main role in this. American format VHS can sometimes be found on eBay
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1982DVDDynasty - Series 2Simon is in one episode of this series: The Will
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1983DVDJaws 3 (3D)Simon has a main role in this. This can also be found on a Jaws box set
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1984VHSObsessive LoveSimon has a main role in this. American format VHS can sometimes be found on eBay
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1986Audio TapeLucky Jim by Kingsley AmisSimon narrates. You might find other version narrated by other people so check before buying. Occasionally available on eBay
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1987VHSSincerely, VioletSimon has a main role in this. This is available at Amazon but only from their 'sellers' - similar to eBay but at a fixed price
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1990Audio TapeStraight by Dick FrancisSimon narrates. You might find other version narrated by other people so check before buying. Occasionally available on eBay
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1992Audio TapeFlying Finish by Dick FrancisSimon narrates. You might find other version narrated by other people so check before buying. Occasionally available on eBay
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1993Audio TapeStone Cold by John FrancomeSimon narrates. You might find other version narrated by other people so check before buying. Occasionally available on eBay
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1995DVDAt The Midnight HourSimon has a main role in this. This is available at Amazon but only from their 'sellers' - similar to eBay but at a fixed price. On eBay you'll find a version that was given away free with the UK Daily Mail as well as official US releases
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1995DVDThe Way to Dusty DeathSimon has a main role in this. Generally only European versions with an English soundtrack as well as European languages are available
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1995DVDFamily of CopsSimon has a small role in this. This is only available as an American Region 1 DVD
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1996DVDNo Greater LoveSimon has a main role in this.
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1996DVDThe Building Of The Complete Offshore YachtSimon narrates this DVD
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1997DVDLa Femme Nikita - Series 1Simon is in one episode of this series: Charity. This is only available as an American Region 1 DVD. This is available at Amazon but only from their 'sellers' - similar to eBay but at a fixed price
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1997DVDWhile My Pretty One SleepsSimon has a reasonable role in this. As well as the official releases there is a Daily Mail edition which was given away free with the newspaper.
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1997DVDRunning WildSimon has a reasonable role in this. This is only available as an American Region 1 DVD. This is available at Amazon but only from their 'sellers' - similar to eBay but at a fixed price
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1999DVDThe Girl Next DoorSimon has a main role in this film. There is several films with the same name as this, make sure you're buying the correct film. This is only available as an American Region 1 DVD. This is available at Amazon but only from their 'sellers' - similar to eBay but at a fixed price
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1999DVDWing CommanderSimon has a minor role in this film (5 minutes max!)
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2000DVDThe Dinosaur HunterSimon has a main role in this. This is only available as an American Region 1 DVD. This is available at Amazon but only from their 'sellers' - similar to eBay but at a fixed price
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2000DVDEarth: Final Conflict - Series 3Simon is in one episode of this series: Scorched Earth. This is only available as an American Region 1 DVD. This is available at Amazon but only from their 'sellers' - similar to eBay but at a fixed price
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2001DVDQueen of SwordsSimon is in one episode of this series: Runaways. This is only available at - says it's only in French but does have English audio as well
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2002DVDRelic Hunter - Series 3Simon is in 3 episodes of this series, Sydney at 10, Hunting With The Enemy and So Shall It Be
This is only available at - cheap DVD but slightly expensive shipping, which bring the cost up to a standard DVD boxset
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2004DVDThe NileSimon narrates this DVD
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2006Audio CDForgotten Voices of the Blitz and the Battle for Britain - BoxsetSimon narrates. Also available as individual CD's or on tape
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2007DVDBlizzard: Race to the PoleSimon narrates this DVD
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2007DVD GamePyramids of GizaSimon and his wife Susan George have small roles in this DVD game
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2007DVD GameA First Class MurderSimon and his wife Susan George have small roles in this DVD game
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2009DVDA Closed BookSimon has a minor role in this film
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2010DVD13 Hrs (Nightwolf)Simon has a minor role in this film
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2010DVDNew Tricks - Series 7Simon is in one episode of this series: Good Morning Lemmings
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CasualtyDVDSeries 2Buy at | Search for at eBay
CasualtyDVDSeries 3Buy at | Search for at eBay
CasualtyDVDSeries 1Buy at | Search for at eBay
OtherPhoto'sPhoto'sBuy at | Search for at eBay
OtherPostersPostersBuy at | Search for at eBay
OtherGift VouchersGift VouchersFor fans of Simon and you're not quite sure what to get them? Give them some vouchers from one of these and let them choose them self.
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Produced/Written/Directed by SimonDVDStealing HeavenSimon's company produced this. This is only available as an American Region 1 DVD. This is available at Amazon but only from their 'sellers' - similar to eBay but at a fixed price
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Produced/Written/Directed by SimonDVDThat Summer of White RosesSimon credits on this include writer and producer. This is available at Amazon but only from their 'sellers' - similar to eBay but at a fixed price
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Digital Download
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Produced/Written/Directed by SimonDVD/DigitalSuch a Long JourneySimon's company produced this film. This is only available as an American Region 1 DVD. This is available at Amazon but only from their 'sellers' - similar to eBay but at a fixed price
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Digital Download
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Simon's FavouritesMP3The Pearl Fishers' DuetWhen asking Simon what was the last piece of music he's listened to he's mentioned this one a couple of times
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Simon's FavouritesBookThe Woman in White, Wilkie CollinsSimon's favourite book
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Simon's FavouritesDVDThe Shawshank RedemptionSimon's favorite film
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SleuthDVDOriginal MovieBuy at Amazon | Search for at eBay
SleuthBook Sleuth (Playscript)Relive the play!
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SleuthDVDRemake MovieBuy at Amazon | Search for at eBay
Sound of MusicMP3Movie SoundtrackBuy at Amazon
Sound of MusicCDMovie SoundtrackBuy at Amazon | Search for at eBay
Sound of MusicDVDOriginal MovieBuy at Amazon | Search for at eBay
Susan GeorgeDVDAllSimon's wife - a few items
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Simon MacCorkindale Fan Page – Interview 10th February 2009

Simon MacCorkindale at the London PalladiumThis interview was carried out with Simon on the 10th February at the London Palladium. There is a video message that was filmed at the same time and audio can be found on the forum – in Simon’s Secret Society. This is Simon in his own words (i.e. typed word for word what he said)


001 – What’s next
I really don’t know is the answer. I’m doing a couple of things, there are a number of things being talked about, but nothing that’s absolutely carved in granite. I’m gonna do another day on another movie, literally next week, for a friend, the same sort of set up as that other one, who’s title I think is the one you saw.

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Semi-Official?  What does that mean?

Basically it’s between an official site and a fan site.

Yeah, we kinda figured that out already!

Fair point – What we mean by this set up is that Simon is aware of the site and is happy to support it and provide input when he can but he has no ‘defined’ obligations to do anything for it, and this way we don’t increase his already busy schedule.  This is how the site has technically been running unofficially since Feb 07, though only very few people were aware of Simon’s input (Sleuth dates anyone?) and occasional visits – though I have a feeling some people had guessed this already.

If this is how you’ve been running for 18 months already, why aren’t you 100% Official?

It was my decision (shelliwood) to approach Simon late July 08 to ask if we could make the site more official, his response was a simple yes and asked how I wanted to go about it.

I suggested a semi-official approach to start with to get used to a more formal way of doing thing, this way we can build inputs on both sides with no real expectations on what is expected from Simon.  If/when he has more time for more input we can maybe build to a fully official site, this way there is no disappointment when Simon is busy and can’t put any time into this site.

It also gives those working behind the scenes time to get used to and comfortable with what we are doing and how we are planning on handling various things.

So you’re in contact with Simon? How and can I have the details?

Via carrier pigeon – most eco friendly – carbon footprints and all that!

Simple answer, No, you can’t have any details.  If Simon wanted you to have them, you would have them already.

Any messages/emails asking for them will be deleted and actions taken.  We respect Simon’s privacy 100% and making sure it’s respected is the main focus of the Site Admin and Senior Staff.

If you want to contact Simon use official channels i.e. via his agent.

This site is Semi-Official as of 13th September 2008

Sound Of Music Programme – Aug 2008 – Feb 2009

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Simon MacCorkindale as Captain Von Trapp in The Sound of MusicCAPTAIN GEORG VON TRAPP

Theatre includes: as director, Sleuth (Texas and California), A Doll’s House (Dramalogue Award as Best Director, Matrix, Hollywood) and The Merchant of Venice (The Globe, Hollywood); as actor, Gayden Chronicles (Los Angeles), Macbeth (Ludlow Festival), Relatively Speaking (Questors and Oakington), Dark Lady of the Sonnets (NT), French Without Tears (Thorndike, Leatherhead), B-B-Que (Soho Polytechnic), Pygmalion (Albery), The Happiest Days of Your Life (Oakington), Potsdam Quartet (Yvonne Arnaud, Guildford), Back to Methuselah (Shaw Festival), Bequest to the Nation, The Front Page, Getting On and Journey’s End (Belgrade, Coventry) and, most recently, The Unexpected Guest and Sleuth (national tours).

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SMCFP On This Day: BBC Breakfast – 7th August

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Series: BBC Breakfast
First Aired: 7th August 2008
Description: Simon appeared on this show to discuss Sleuth

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The Journal – 30th June 2008

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Interview – Simon MacCorkindale

Thanks to Sylvia for this article

IT has more twists than a 1960s dance festival and – if done properly – a jaw-dropping surprise. Sleuth, which opens at Theatre Royal in Newcastle tonight, is a cat and mouse thriller which continually wrong-foots audiences – if they haven’t seen it before, of course.

Simon MacCorkindale, who stars in Anthony Schaffer’s award-winning play alongside former Dynasty actor Michael Praed, reckons there are still plenty of Sleuth novices around.

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Unknown Aberdeen Newspaper – 24th June 2008

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Suspense and Mystery in Classic Show

(Mainly a Sleuth review)
Thanks to Sylvia for this article

THE stage is set for the ultimate game of chance this week – played out in this version of the Anthony Shaffer classic by two of the most attractive actors in the business. Simon MacCorkindale (best-known for his role of Harry Harper in Casualty) plays Andrew Wyke, who takes on his wife’s lover Milo Tindle (played by Michael Praed of Robin of Sherwood fame) in the biggest game of his life – and there can only be one winner.

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Evening Gazette – Teeside – 13th June 2008

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Simon MacCorkindale and Micheal Praed in SleuthDetect flaw?

Thanks to Kathie – SMCFP’s Northern Correspondent 😉

Detective skills are hardly needed to work out why last year’s new film of Sleuth flopped while this year’s new theatre version is packing them in, but let the play’s star Simon MacCorkindale help work it out.

“They departed from the original material and most of the things that were attractive in the original got left out,” says the Casualty heart-throb.

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East Anglian Daily Times – 31st May 2008

Rivals are locked into a deadly game

(Mainly a Sleuth review – Contains spoilers)
Thanks to SMCFP member Kerri

SLEUTH’S first night was at the Theatre Royal Brighton 38 years ago. I was there. A few seats along from me was Laurence Olivier, who, apparently, had some unflattering things to say about it.

Two years later, with the thriller a huge hit, Olivier himself starred with Michael Caine in a film version. Now it’s back on stage with Simon MacCorkindale and Michael Praed in the two key roles.

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SMCFP On This Day: The Five Thirty Show – 27th May

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Series: The Five Thirty Show
First Aired: 27th May 2008
Description: Simon appeared on this show with Michael Praed to discuss Sleuth

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St Neots Weekly – 26-1st June 2008

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A screen and stage star raised the spirits of a group of brain injury survivors with an inspiring talk.

Thanks to maggiesangel at Holby.TV for this article

Ely- born Simon MacCorkindale – best known for his role as Harry Harper in the BBC1 hospital drama Casualty – visited members of Headway Cambridgeshire at Brookfields, in Mill Road, Cambridge.

Headway is a charity which provides support, services and information to brain injury survivors, their families and carers, as well as to professionals in the health and legal fields.

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Seven Days – Sunday Mail – 25th May 2008

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Simon MacCorkindaleI Led British Invasion Of Hollywood

The big interview Simon MacCorkindale has rubbed shoulders with tinseltown’s elite but is just as happy on stage in Glasgow

WHEN Simon MacCorkindale watches hit US shows like Lost, Ugly Betty or Pushing Daisies he can say: “Been there, done that.”

The veteran actor might be best known as Casualty heart-throb Harry Harper but his long and successful career saw him cross the Atlantic and crack America 30 years ago.

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Simon MacCorkindale Biography

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Simon MacCorkindale

(Very) Mini Bio:

Simon MacCorkindale is a British actor who made his big break in Death on the Nile in the 1970’s.

Since then he as worked extensively in American, Canada and the UK on various film and TV projects.

In 1984 he married actress Susan George – they currently own an Arabian Stud farm called Georgian Arabians in Exmoor, England

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Simon MacCorkindale Filmography

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Simon MacCorkindale at 21

This is an ever growing list of everything Simon MacCorkindale has appeared, produced, directed or provided voiceover for. This is the most extensive filmography of Simon online.

* denotes newly added items

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SMCFP On This Day: ITV Yorkshire – Calendar

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Bill Kenwright production of SLEUTH by Anthony Schaffer Directed by Joe Harmston

Series: ITV Yorkshire – Calendar
First Aired: 6th May 2008

Description: Simon appeared on this show with Michael Praed to discuss Sleuth

The Weekly News – 3rd May 2008

Simon MacCorkindale as Andrew Wyke in SleuthSimon says, he’s a Casualty regular!

But not just on TV— in real life, accident-prone actor often finds himself in hospital

THERE’S a reason why Simon MacCorkindale carries off the role of consultant Harry Harper in BBC’s Casualty so well — he’s never out of his local hospital’s casualty department as a patient!

He and his wife, actress Susan George, run a very successful horse farm when not appearing on stage or screen, and Simon is very much hands-on down on the farm.

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SMCFP On This Day: BBC Radio Kent – 12th April

Series: BBC Radio Kent
First Aired: 12th April 2008

Description: Simon appeared to discuss Sleuth

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Birmingham Post – 9th April 2008

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Review: Sleuth, Grand Theatre, Wolverhampton

It seems appropriate that one of the characters in Sleuth spends a significant amount of time in a clown suit, as this production milks the comic potential of Anthony Shaffer’s twisted script.

On the opening night, underwear and cushions were hurled about with reckless abandon, threatening to bring down bits of the set. And Michael Praed finally fell foul of his size 27 feet in a pratfall behind the sofa, which appeared to leave him and co-star Simon MacCorkindale as convulsed with laughter as the audience. Whether by accident or intent it was as well executed as the rest of this slickly performed show, which also relies on deliciously barbed dialogue for its humour.

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